Sunday, March 2, 2008

Week 6 - Thing 14

I'm just now getting around to playing with tags and looking at Technorati. I can certainly see why you would need a search engine specifically designed to access the millions of blogs out there. I do have some reservations about tagging. Potentially, you could create millions of tags and in some cases defeat the purpose by not being able to find what you need since you never hit upon the right tag or you could tag each entry with innumerable tags just to make your blog entries accessible. I imagine that as we construct our tags and use those of others that match the contents of each post that a lexicon will naturally develop so that we will build from one another and a certain amount of standarization will result. I can see both the beauty and the difficulty in deviating from the standard "subheading" based system.
I did find that I was able to access more blogs by going to the posts than by searching by the tag. Most helpful was going ""

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