Monday, February 4, 2008

Week 3 -Thing 7

Unfortunately, it's been a while since my last post. Life has been busy!
I have been thinking about technology and specifically the use of Flickr. Coincidentally, as I was scanning the newspaper, I saw an interesting article about the use of Flickr by the Library of Congress. This is an example of something called "crowd sourcing", a term introduced in 2006 by Jeff Howe of Wired magazine. Essentially crowd sourcing refers to a process of getting large numbers of people involved in a project, in this case electronically. As regards the Library of Congress, they have downloaded 3000 images onto the Flickr database and have asked ordinary citizens to add to the metadata to make the images more accessible to the general public. To view the images (and provide your input) go to The original article from which I got my information appeared in the January 27 edition of the Boston Globe, Brainiac or on-line at


kharrity said...

Just read your post and thought I would let you know. I will check out the images on Flickr. Enjoyed talking with you today. Kathy

LibraryStrong said...

It's nice to read about something in the news and actually know what they are talking about. This class has made me more aware of what's out there. I also saw the Library of Congress / Flickr article.